Charting the AI horizon, enabled by your support

Your support will help us continue our mission of investigating past and future trends in Artificial Intelligence.

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Collaborate with us

We’re proud to work with select stakeholders on projects aligned with our mission. Our partners include:

Awarded grants

As a nonprofit, we rely on the ongoing support of our donors to continue our research. Every donation, from large grants to individual gifts, means the world to us as a vouch of confidence in our vision. We pledge to use every donation to further our mission of moving society towards a better shared understanding of AI.

November 2023

Stanford HAI – AI Index Collaboration

$49,000 USD contract

April 2023

Open Philanthropy – General Support

$6,922,565 USD awarded – Potential Risks from Advanced AI

March 2023

Carl Shulman – General Support

$100,000 USD DAF donation

February 2023

Open Philanthropy – AI Worldview Investigations

$188,558 USD awarded – Potential Risks from Advanced AI

June 2022

Open Philanthropy – General Support

$1,960,000 USD awarded – Potential Risks from Advanced AI